Worship and Media

The Worship Choir meets for rehearsal on Sunday afternoons in the Sanctuary 4:50 -5:40 p.m. We also meet briefly Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. to rehearse with the Worship Orchestra. We have a great time listening, singing, and rehearsing music for our Worship time on Sunday. We sing primarily on Sunday mornings at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. There are opportunities to sing for special events such as revival meetings, seasonal projects, and other special events throughout the year. No audition is necessary! Come join us on Wednesday nights to be encouraged, motivated and educated through the Music Ministry of Oakleaf Baptist Church!
The Worship Orchestra meets on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. to rehearse music for Sundays. This ensemble leads in worship Sunday morning and evening as well as Wednesday night. We are always looking for talented musicians who love the Lord and want to use their talents in worship.
The Praise Team meets with the Band and Orchestra on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. to rehearse music for Sundays. This ensemble leads in worship Sunday morning and evening as well as Wednesday night. This is an audition only group. Please see Jeff Adams for more information.
Other ensembles such as chamber ensembles and small vocal groups are assembled by our worship leader throughout the year for special music and events.
The Media Ministry is always active in each service. We have a great team of volunteers that run sound, record our messages, make sure that we have the words up on the screen, and other various other behind-the-scene tasks. If you are interested in photography, recording video, sound booth, or anything else in our Media Ministry, contact Jeff Adams.  jadams@oakleafbaptist.com
To access music demos for Kids Choir, Youth Band, and Worship Choir, click here.